American National Sport: The Best Choice | Teen Ink

American National Sport: The Best Choice

April 11, 2024
By __Aiden__ BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
__Aiden__ BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Did you know that only 14 out of the world's 195 countries have a national sport? In my opinion, the national sport of the U.S. should be American football. Some people might think that baseball would be a better fit for this title because of its important history in the U.S., but football is a much better candidate because it is easily the most popular sport in the U.S., it is very accessible for all ages, and it gives people and the community a sense of belonging.


The first reason I have to support my claim is the fact that football is by far the most popular sport in America. Football has much more viewers than baseball or any other sport. The average Super Bowl has almost 6 times the amount of viewers as the baseball World Series, and the NBA Finals combined. I think this proves how much more football fans care about the sport. football also has more passionate fans than baseball and any other sport. I think the fans are more passionate about the teams and players of the sport because the spectators get to see the players learn, grow, and change throughout their careers.

The second important reason why football should be the national sport is that football is very accessible. There is an incredible amount of youth leagues that anyone in the age range can join. On top of that, the sport is extremely simple to learn and play. The rules and gameplay are easy to follow, which might explain why so many people watch it. The only two things you need to play is football and some other players. The last reason that football is accessible is the fact that football in the U.S has given the most scholarships than any other sport. This shows that football is giving people the opportunity to go to college for free to get an education and play the sport they love. 

The final important reason that proves football should be the national sport is that football gives players, and the community a sense of belonging. It does this because when you're a devoted fan you watch your favorite team go through good times and bad times. You get to see your team evolve and change right before your eyes. There's no better feeling than to watch your team win a tough and hard-fought game. Another reason it gives people a sense of belonging is watching Sunday night football with a group of people at an event or barbeque. Football has the ability to bring people together, and I think that is amazing. The last way that it gives people a sense of belonging that baseball or any other sport can´t, is that in football, you can compete in a fantasy football league with friends and/or family. This gives you a sense of competitiveness and determination, which definitely gives football a feeling of pride and belonging. Some people may say that baseball is a better fit for the title of national sport, however, football is more beloved and enjoyed in the U.S.

I strongly believe that if America were to get a national sport in the near future, football should be the choice. The three best reasons that support this are, it is by far the most popular sport in the country, it is very accessible to play and learn for everyone, and it gives people a sense of belonging that no other sport can. Football is the best sport to watch, play, and enjoy. 

The author's comments:

This is an essay I did for class. It is about why the national sport of America should be Football

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