My philosophy of Nullism | Teen Ink

My philosophy of Nullism

October 16, 2023
By anatman BRONZE, Beijing, Other
anatman BRONZE, Beijing, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Nullism was first proposed by me in my Chinese poetry collection Rain Birds, but there is not a good explanation of nullism in this book, so I write this article today for you to understand. First of all, what is emptiness? Emptiness is abbreviated from two words, one is "empty heart" and the other is "no self".
So what is an empty heart? If a person's heart is in disorder, it is difficult to accomplish things, and if it is difficult to accomplish things, it is naturally difficult to find his way, and if he cannot find his way, he cannot achieve saints, and if he cannot achieve saints, he will gradually distance himself from the truth. Therefore, it is very important to have an empty heart, because the heart is empty, it will not tolerate messy things, and it will not be confused.
So what is no self? No self is not anatman in Buddhism, no self in Taoism, in the philosophy of no self is made up of the feelings of life, the sorrow of suffering, the sadness of impermanence, the joy of joy, the desire to seek, and so on, and these experiences eventually become the original mind of no self, and this process may take a long time, Some people even realize that they have achieved the realm of no self in the lanterns before they die, but these two are just the empty heart and no self in the realm, and the real emptiness is the theory that we need to find the Tao, which is the advanced theory, and I will explain these theories in the following article.

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