The Biggest Antique of Egypt | Teen Ink

The Biggest Antique of Egypt

March 31, 2023
By Anonymous

Egypt has a lot of mysteries. Egypt has some of the oldest and the most interesting history that we know of. I have always been fascinated by the Pyramids of Giza and Egypt's history itself. I always wonder to myself, how did the Egyptians build the Pyramids? That is a question that no one can answer. Archeologists and Egyptologists have been studying the pyramids for years. There are many ideas on how the Pyramids of Giza were made but there is no proof of any of our guesses being true. The Great Pyramids of Egypt is such an interesting topic to think or talk about because we humans have not been able to think of a logical explanation of the cons. construction of the Pyramids. The Great Pyramids of Egypt are constructed of limestone blocks that weigh 2 and a half tons which is 4,500 pounds. That is incredibly heavy. How on earth did the Egyptians get 4,500 pounds dozens of feet in the air? That is one of the main reasons why we have no idea how these massive pyramids were built. Some may say that the Egyptians built these giant ramps and used pulley systems to get the blocks up. In order to do that the Egyptians would have needed a massive ramp spanning hundreds of feet and hundreds of workers to only get one limestone block up. Many people believe that we are secretly looking at an ancient civilization. People think that we are looking at an ancient civilization because the limestone blocks have these almost perfect circles drilled into the blocks. How could they possibly get perfect circles into massive limestone blocks? Even today we wouldn't be able to make perfect circles into limestone blocks without some sort of power tool. The Pyramids of Giza almost line perfectly up to the North. How can people without technology line a massive Pyramid straight to the North? It doesn't make sense. You could say “oh maybe it's just a coincidence”. No, no it's not and if it is that is a very rare coincidence; although it is possible, it is very slim. 

We modernly think that today we are the most powerful and advanced as we have ever been. That could be wrong. The Great Pyramids of Egypt could easily be an ancient civilization that got lost over the years and slowly broke down and looks the way it does today. The Pyramids are so perfectly symmetrical that it's insane. When the Pyramids of Giza were being built, if the Egyptians and Pharaohs placed one of the limestone blocks wrong once they would've gotten to the top the whole structure would have been torn off. All of the sides of the Pyramids are the exact same length. All of the limestone blocks were once in perfect condition with smooth polished walls and the exact same length. Somehow they got these massive pillars and blocks up hundreds of feet in the air. Even if they were to build a ramp they would have to constantly be moving the ramp to build more of it. They would have to move it constantly because they had to build the outline stacked upon each other pushed farther back each time. If they were to make ramps each ramp would have to be over a mile long just so that they would transfer the limestone blocks to each level. Each time that the Egyptians and Pharaohs got to a new level they would have to make the ramp longer or make the process more complicated for themselves because it would eventually be a much steeper ramp making the process more complicated to bring the blocks higher. As was mentioned earlier there were perfect circles carved or drilled into these massive hard limestone blocks. Once the construction of the Pyramids was completed all of the blocks of limestone had flat sides to them. Without strong tools or technology, how did they make these blocks of limestone completely flat? If we were somehow looking at a lost civilization, it would make sense. All of the different things that the Pyramids of Giza contain confuse so many people to the point we just can't understand how they built the three pyramids.            

Egypt is a very old country with a history dating back thousands of years ago. The Great Pyramids of Egypt were originally built to house the king's sarcophagus once the king passes away. In the king's chamber, there are granite pillars in the ceiling stacked up on empty layers. Each granite pillar weighs about 25-80 tons. 25-80 tons is about 50,000- 160,000 pounds. That is a massive amount of weight. How could the Pharaohs and Egyptians possibly get those pillars up dozens of feet? The Pharaoh's mummy Khufu is the King that is in the King's Chamber. The King's Chamber is located in the center of the main pyramid raised above ground level. Once you walk into the main pyramid you will walk down a long hallway leading through multiple different empty chambers slowly rising above the ground. The King's Chamber is at the center point of the largest pyramid. The Pharaohs built the pyramids so that once Khufus or his family’s passing had happened Khufu's spirit would exit the pyramid and rise to the heavens. In the Pyramids, the King's Chamber is 10.45 meters x 5.20 meters and is 5.80 meters tall room. The king's chamber is the room closest to the tip of the pyramid. The Pharaohs built the King's Chamber closest to the point so that the King's spirit could leave and go to the heavens easily. All of the Egyptians had a very intense thought that all of the Pharaohs were half man and half god. The Egyptians thought this because they thought they were the “mediator between the gods and the world of men''. What the Egyptians meant by the “mediator between the gods and the world of men” in simplified terms is “they were gods chosen to lead the people and maintain order. There are 3 pyramids, the Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure. Each of these pyramids was meant to house the sarcophaguses of the 3 kings. Khufu was the main king. Khafre was Khufu's son and Menkaure was Khafre's son. During this time Khufu's family was treated as royalty. The 3 Pyramids of Giza were specifically designed to hold their sarcophaguses and no one else's. The Kings must stay in the family. Take Charles III the king of England as an example. The royalty must stay in the bloodline because the Pyramids were designed for their family. Unlike the Royal Family, there is nothing but Kings. The Pharaohs only built the Pyramids for Kings because the Kings were meant to bring a preparation of the next world and they thought the queens could not do that.

I have always been interested in the Pyramids of Giza. One day I plan on going to Egypt and seeing the Pyramids for myself. The main reasons why I have always been interested in the Pyramids is because they are such an interesting topic to talk about, it could be some sort of sign that an ancient civilization was able to make these incredibly large and symmetrical pyramids, and because the kings' story and the history of the pharaohs thoughts have always been something that has intrigued me. I am promising to myself that one day I will step foot into the king's chamber and learn more about it than I already do now. Hopefully, I can keep that promise and perfect it as soon as I can but for now, I will have to stick to doing my own research about it and become more intelligent about the topic day by day.

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