Narcissistic Personality Disorder  | Teen Ink

Narcissistic Personality Disorder 

February 7, 2023
By nehirbulut BRONZE, Tirana, Other
nehirbulut BRONZE, Tirana, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Did you hear about narcissism before? People may hear narcissism on the surface, but narcissism has many deep and serious aspects in the topic itself. The term narcissism means selfishness, involving a sense of entitlement, a lack of empathy, and a need for admiration, as characterizing a personality type ( Sigmund Freud describes that; narcissism is normal, healthy, and present from birth in all humans (all of narcissism). Secondary narcissism, a neurosis, occurs when people reverse course and turn their affection back onto themselves (narcissism). If this disorder is untreated, it can create disturbance in social relationships-at home, school, or office (“narcissistic personality disorder”) 
Narcissistic Personality disorder is a mental condition characterized by an extreme self-obsession with a lack of concern for the needs of other people of the surroundings. People who have this disorder are obsessed with themselves because these people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They may be unhappy and disappointed when they are not given the special favors or admiration that they believe they deserve, and their hostility when others fail to respond appropriately contributes to the relationships that are a hallmark of the disorder. Also, they may find their relationships troubled and unfulfilling, naturally other people may not enjoy being around them. They can use their” friends” to only fulfill their own desires and needs, not that they really care about them and value them as human beings. So, people with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others. But on the contrary, under this mask of extreme self-confidence, they are not sure of their self-worth, but they are good at hiding it. They are easily upset by the slightest criticism; they want people to see them as an absolute example of perfection and hide the not being sure about their self-worth. Narcissistic people can be quite manipulating by attempting to manipulate the impressions they create in others. They are also aggressive when they feel threatened by others. ( 
  These people can create disturbance in their school or at the workplace because research has shown that people describe their narcissistic acquaintances as trying to impress others by bragging and putting down others. So, when they see someone that is more successful than them in their school or in the office, they can feel threatened by that and feel angry. They want to be on top; naturally, they want to see the people under them in terms of academics and being admired. From a distinct perspective, these behaviors are re at first successful in that those who interact with narcissists find them to be competent and attractive. However, over time these partners come to view the narcissist as arrogant and hostile. The partners can realize the arrogant characteristic in them when they do not see the belief that they can be successful in what they are doing cause narcissistic people do not want to support and motivate people in such situations that they can be successful because they do not want the people to be more successful than them, their success location should be protected, admired, and valued at all costs. 
In conclusion, people that have narcissistic personality with narcissistic personality disorder struggle in social relationships at home, school, or the office ( If they are not treated for this diagnosis, then they will create disturbances to people and make uncomfortable situations in those areas that I mentioned in the beginning. These people have certain narcissistic characteristics that affect people’s lives negatively and themselves. 

The author's comments:

This essay is a explaining concepts essay and the essay's concept was one of the things that i was interested to research in psychology area to gain more knowledge about so i felt productive and happy when i was writing it.

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