Native American Reservation System | Teen Ink

Native American Reservation System

May 30, 2022
By Anonymous

Native Americans have been forced off their original lands into reservations that have done more harm than good so the question is should they continue to stay? Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, European settlers in North America moved westward, known as the westward expansion. The European colonists had conflicts with the local Native American tribes. Thousands of indigenous tribes were displaced, and traditional Native American life was mainly destroyed (Infobase). The federal government began negotiating treaties with tribes to set aside areas of land known as reservations for Native Americans to reduce conflict between settlers and indigenous peoples (Infobase). 

I believe that the Native Americans should be allowed to keep their sovereignty or right to govern themselves, so they preserve a culture on the verge of extinction. They should keep their distinct governments as recognized by the United States Constitution and have the same authorities to control their internal affairs as federal and state governments. I think that existing tribes should be allowed to preserve their reserves to maintain their traditions? 

 I also believe that the Native Americans were placed on reservations in economically marginal rural areas deemed too dry, too wet, too steep, too remote, or included some other impediment to productivity when they were first established. The Native Americans' reliance on federal financing in reservations has made tribes dependent on the federal government and unable to function. Do you think that Native Americans remain some of the USA's poorest people because of this reliance? The facts state that high school graduation rates are typically lower than the national average. Infant mortality, unemployment, suicide rates, addiction, and alcohol and drug misuse are frequently higher than the national average.

The reserves offer a chance for the Native Americans to continue their ways of life, traditions, and cultures. American society should learn more about the indigenous peoples who used to inhabit the places they live. They should incorporate more learning about the history of the natives and the horrendous treatment at the hands of the European settlers into their education. People must understand the issues facing Native Americans, such as inflation, drug, and alcohol misuse, addiction, infant mortality, and high school dropout rates, so we can offer solutions and further allow the reserves to prosper. The treatment at the hands of the US government has been one of horror, broken promises, and empty words that show us that the reservations can not continue without change.

The author's comments:

This issue holds close to my heart read with an open heart and mind.

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