My Future | Teen Ink

My Future

February 24, 2022
By VannaBandit SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
VannaBandit SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
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           I inhale a deep breath of fresh country air, as I look out into a big open yard. I can see horses peacefully grazing in the field. Two little kids running around with a fluffy dog chasing at their feet. I turn behind me to see a fully set table, with fresh fruits and veggies straight from the garden. “Savanna! Wake up!” I turn to my side to see my mom standing in my doorway shaking her head at me to hurry up. What a good dream I had. I'm sure that by now anyone can Imagine why I want to live In a moderdern farm house. I would try to find a remodeled farmhouse, but If I can’t, I will take on the job and design and remodel it myself. It would Ideally be at least two stories and have four bedrooms and two bathrooms because I feel like that’s the perfect amount of space for a family. I would like a modern black, white, and grey theme. As for accessories and decor, I’d go for simple neutral colors along with stainless steel appliances. For the barn, I wouldn't care as much what it looks like, but more of what’s inside it. I would have cows, chickens, and horses. I’d get a pet dog to herd the cattle. A major life choice I plan on making is buying a big modern farmhouse because it's a great place to raise kids, I could have animals, and get fresh produce from the farm. I want to spend the rest of my life somewhere I love. To me this means a farm, this stems from me having lots of good memories connected to them. I want to keep this going by raising my kids on one. 

I want to live in a modern farmhouse because It will be a good place to raise my future kids. Seven years ago, I went to live on a farm with my grandparents for a few years. I loved that part of my childhood, so I would want the same for my kids. Growing up I would ride four-wheelers, help with the cows, and go on walks around the garden. There was always something to do or help with. That is one of the many reasons I want my kids to grow up on a farm. Another reason is the freedoms they would have. On the farm I grew up on, we had a really long private driveway, with our mailbox at the end of it. That's how I learned to drive, and soon enough I was driving back and forth every day to get the mail. This gave me freedom as well as learning something new in a safe environment. I want that for my kids. A third reason why I think a farm would be an adequate place to raise kids is because I could teach them how to grow and mend our own garden. I often helped my grandpa tend the garden. He taught me valuable lessons on how to grow and harvest the plants. On top of that I also made memories with him that I will forever treasure. Taking care of the garden also taught me responsibility. I had to water and weed the garden daily, if I didn't It would not grow. I also learned how to take things from the garden and incorporate them into the kitchen with my grandma. She taught me many yummy recipes that I still use today. So to me a garden is much more than just a place for our food to grow. It’s a place for memories, responsibility, and yummy food. Why wouldn't I want that for my kids? Another thing that I love that would be good for my future kids would be the wilderness and farm animals.

I love animals and a farm will allow me to have as many as my heart desires. Not only does it make me feel good to know that I’m taking care of a living thing and giving them a good life, but animals also help me feel relaxed. Horses specifically have helped me feel calm, during many hectic times in my life. It really helps me feel centered and at peace when I take a horseback ride. As I grow older I know my responsibilities will grow too, making me more stressed out at times. Having horses will be an accessible resource for me to use during anxiety-ridden times. That definitely isn't the only benefit of having animals. I love fairs and I hope someday I'll be able to show my own animals. When I was a kid I always used to watch my cousins get their cows and horses ready to show at the fair or in the rodeo. It was amazing to see how much they cared about their animals and the connection they got to make with them.  I love farm animals because they are so cute and I can just have so much fun with them. While I love the animal part of being on a farm I also love the wilderness that comes with having a farm. I can ride four-wheelers, ride bikes, go for walks, and just thinking about the  endless list of things I could do just makes me so happy. My cousins would do rodeos and horse shows and I went to every single one because I just loved being able to get a hint of the country life. An advantage of living on a farm is that I get a lot of “free” food. 



If I lived on a farm with a lot of animals, I would get a lot of produce from them, such as milk, eggs, wool, and meat. When I lived on the farm with my grandparents, I was in charge of doing all the work around the farm. I would collect chicken eggs, milk cows, and then I would help out with anything else. One benefit to getting your own produce is that you always know that it's fresh. I look forward to all the delish cookies I'll be able to dip in the milk I got from the cows just that morning. I’ll be able to go pick an apple off the tree, and eat it. Doesn't that just sound amazing? The benefits go beyond me, livestock provides a major additional contribution to agriculture through draft power, manure, fuel, and as a fertilizer, animal products such as meat, milk, eggs, while poultry provides daily cash income and much-required nutrition to farmers. However I do understand that sadly there are downsides, livestock production contributes to the world's most pressing environmental problems, including global warming, land degradation, air and water pollution, and loss of biodiversity. Therefore, I think it would be a challenge but luckily times are ever changing and I trust that I could find creative ways to work around those issues.

In conclusion, there are so many reasons why I know a farm is going to be a good fit for what I want to do with my future. They have everything that I hope to offer to my future self and family. One day I'll be ready for all the advantages and disadvantages. I have always dreamed of being a country girl who rides horses and owns a big modern farmhouse so I'm excited to give myself that life. That’s why a major life choice I plan on making is buying a big modern farmhouse because it's a great place to raise kids,  have animals, and get fresh produce. Therefore, farms, livestock, and raising kids have their ups and downs, but what's life without a little challenge.`

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