Uganda Refugee Issue | Teen Ink

Uganda Refugee Issue

February 4, 2020
By Cesar-Garza BRONZE, Monterrey, Other
Cesar-Garza BRONZE, Monterrey, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Many people that leave/flee their country from wars or just danger of being killed in general are commonly called “refugees” and for some reason are very disliked in many big countries like the US, UK and many more. Refugees are people who have to leave their country because of war, the danger of being killed even maybe racial wars/ religion wars. These are very dangerous things and many countries are saying that they don’t need more people in their country and send them back. The US is very known for having the least amount of refugees in their country and for good reason because they have a thing called ICE that is basically police for immigrants that try and make it into there and are caught. I am researching Uganda to know why people are fleeing to Uganda.

This is why Uganda is the top country for most refugees in the world. Many people around Africa are leaving their countries to find more habitable places for them to live. Then they hit the jackpot and find Uganda. Their government takes them in and gives them a life. They can then choose to sell the small plot of land they are given and migrate to the urban side of Uganda. According to Catherine Wambua-Soi from Aljazeera said: “There is an ongoing “war” in DRC and many are looking for help in Uganda” this is why many people are coming to Uganda because there are wars all over the place in Africa. This tyes up with my claim because Uganda is very generous with refugees and they are sort of expecting to be accepted in without a problem and most of the time that is the case. This matters because what is the Ugandan government lets in a serial killer that goes on a murder spree and then the government would no longer accept refugees because of that.

This is why many Africans are going to Uganda. In almost every part of Africa there are ongoing wars with clans in the cities or races. So when they hear that Uganda is very accepting and lets people in like it’s nothing. Portia Crowe said, “There are kids in Africa that need to flee their country because of wars and racial abuse”. This is most of the reasons that people flee their countries but they also have to find a new place to live so they go to Uganda. There is a war going in South Sudan and in 2017-18 the most refugees in Uganda were from there and now today most refugees there are from the Dominican Republic of Congo. This tyes up with my claim because it’s telling us that many places in Africa that need help with war and the UN should help out with this.

This is why Uganda is so generous to refugees. Uganda believes that if they are nice other countries whenever they are in need of aid from other countries. They think that if they allow people from other countries the countries will help them when in need for example if they are in a war they will ask for help and they will get it. OCHA said, “ the armyworm from Uganda in 2017 took out 450,000 tons of maize which is equal to 192.8 million USD” They then asked for help all around the world and all they got was about 1 million dollars to redo the farm to continue the process. This tyes up with my claim because they do so much for other countries by taking in their people and protecting them, giving them a home and more. But all they get in return is 1 million dollars to rebuild a huge farm full of maize that was worth 192.8 million.

This issue has to do with how much you care about people because when you donate to refugees you do care but if you just see it as another thing in the world then you think that it’s not worth your money. To be more open-minded about this issue you can donate to the UN or NGOs that help with refugees and immigration. Empathy is very important in this issue because it makes you think what could happen if you were in their shoes you would feel horrible because of your position in life. This issue matters because if you have everyone be a refugee it would just tear the world apart and make life way harder.




Work Cited


Catherine Wambua-Soi. “On the road with refugees fleeing DRC violence for Uganda.”
Found, Aljazeera, 25 Jun 2019,

Portia Crowe. “No time to play: Childhood in Uganda's biggest refugee
settlement.”Found, Aljazeera, 6 Jan 2020,

Rodney Muhumuza. “As ethnic violence persists in Congo, many fleeing to
Uganda” Found, The Washington Post, Jan 21, 2020,

“Uganda” Found, OCHA, Jan 10, 2020,

“Why Uganda is one of the world’s most hospitable refugee destinations” PBS
NewsHour, 18 Oct. 2016, Accessed 22 Jan. 2020

The author's comments:

This is my first essay yay

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