The significance of optimism | Teen Ink

The significance of optimism

January 24, 2020
By benazachi BRONZE, Cedar Park, Texas
benazachi BRONZE, Cedar Park, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Optimism is a very valuable trait to have in your life. Optimism is hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something. Life typically brings some pretty serious challenges. That is why it is important to fight through the hard times, and have optimism for the next day! The key to success is forgetting about what others say, and believing in yourself. Yes, I firmly believe that optimism is a major key to achieving your hopes and dreams. The first moment you tell yourself you're incapable, is the moment it becomes impossible. You can do anything if you believe in yourself and are optimistic about it, you can achieve anything!

Research has actually shown that having an optimistic view on things tend to have higher well-being, better health, and possibly more success. “Researchers studying psychology have investigated how positive emotions benefit us, why we should focus on our strengths instead of dwelling on perceived weaknesses, and how positive psychology can help us to be more resilient in times of stress” (Look on the Bright Side: The Science of Optimism, Elizabeth Hopper). When bad things happen, make sure to know that they won't last forever, and the good will soon return. Unfortunately, we can not avoid the tough trials that will eventually come to face us. We must be able to face those challenges with courage, and know that better days are coming. Having this attitude will make you feel better both physically and mentally. It will fight off all the burdens you may be feeling. The first step to achieving your dreams is to believe in yourself. Once you are able to set aside the opinions of others, and abide by your own morals, you are able to achieve anything as long as you put in the appropriate amount of effort. Be optimistic! Set yourself free of opposing opinions! Be who you are and you are capable of anything you set your mind to do. 

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Hi :)

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