Future Goal - Teaching Abroad | Teen Ink

Future Goal - Teaching Abroad

October 14, 2019
By kevin-alvarez BRONZE, Sacramento, California
kevin-alvarez BRONZE, Sacramento, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche

In ten to some years, I see myself in a classroom filled with students eager to learn. The only difference is that they don’t look like me or you and most likely don’t speak the same language. Of course, this does not determine the value of the person or should decide what they can and can’t learn or do. For some students this language barrier is a huge issue since it limits their possibilities of getting a new or better job, to travel, to get to know new cultures and to be able to communicate with people outside of their culture. Being able to learn Spanish or English is an improvement in their lives and opens the doors of the world to them. For these reasons inspires me to teach abroad. I’ve always wanted a career that would make a difference in the world and I believe I’ve found it, because if opening the doors/ possibilities to students in 2nd or 3rd world countries isn't making an impact and don’t know what is. 

The first time I realized I wanted to be a teacher was during my first and second year of high school, during that time I was attending the Met High School and had an internship at a martial arts school called Dragon Fire Martial Arts. I loved interning their and my job was to work with the little kids and watch over them and as well as teaching them some things. I interned here for little over a year and when I started feeling good about teaching and being able to appreciate and notice the growth of the kids, it filled my heart with purpose and happiness. I knew I wanted to be a teacher at this point but I didn’t know of what exactly, so it just remained in my head. Until one day one of my teachers gave a presentation of her and her friends experience of teaching abroad, and told wonderful tales of connecting with her students and getting to experience new cultures in the variety of countries she had taught in. Then it clicked and realized this was a career for me 

The requirement of teaching abroad is a bachelor's degree in the subject I plan to teach like for example English. An additional certification is also necessary like a TEFL or TESOL depending on the school/country but both would be preferable. Many schools prefer or are required to have past teaching experience which means I will need to be a teacher or possibly an intern for a year or two to be able to qualify for the required teaching experience. Once I have met all the requirements I will be eligible for the World Education program, which provides my travel and housing expenses as well as a salary. In this program, I do not choose the country or housing that I will be staying and there are risks involved, like the political unrest, possible discrimination, different cultural norms, and unexpected living conditions which all vary from country to country. 

Even though I know the risks going ahead I still believe that teaching abroad is my calling and my purpose, and within my journey, I will certainly open new doors and possibilities to students all around the world who are less fortunate than myself. For that reason, I believe the risks are worth it.       

The author's comments:

In my life I've always had a dream to help other people in need, and I belive being a educator in foreign country could help achived my goal.

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