Short Summer Story | Teen Ink

Short Summer Story

July 8, 2019
By Anonymous

The Short Story All Summer in a Day by Ray Bradbury tells us about a girl called Margot. Margot left her planet earth and now lives on the planet Venus. Her classmates are starting to separate from Margot, because she has a different heritage than the other kids. On the planet Venus, the sun only appears all seven years, and Margot who is the only girl that knows how the sun feels like, misses it so severely. And on the final day when the sun comes out, she gets locked up in a closet from her classmates.  The significant theme that can be seen in the story is people will be separating from you because you are different. That theme is enhanced by Ray Bradbury with specific word choice and repetition.

The Author uses specific word choice to help the reader understand the situation that Margot is in because she is different from the other kids. Mr. Bradbury uses specific word choice repetitively to enhance the situation more clearly. That is proven on page one. On line twenty-nine. When the text states ” Margot stood apart from them” and on line 68 when the Story is telling “Margot stood alone, “ In addition on page two 

line 13 When author writes “ They edged away from her, they would not 

Look at her”. Because Margot is from a different planet than the other kids, she is very different and nobody wants to be with her. Therefore the other children seperated from Margot because they don’t want to be different.

Ray Bradbury uses  specific Word choice multiple times, so we as a reader get to understand that the students in Margot’s class  are 

separating from her although it is not literally said in the short story.

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