Why I’m Thankful for America’s Veterans | Teen Ink

Why I’m Thankful for America’s Veterans

March 12, 2018
By kristieregal PLATINUM, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
kristieregal PLATINUM, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear WWII veteran,

I am honored to have this opportunity to write this letter to you. I would like to start off by saying thank you for your service and welcome home. I am forever grateful for the service that you provided for our country during the war. Americans live in a free country where we can do whatever we desire, but we can not say they same for the rest of the world. All of this is due to servicemen and women.

My name is Kristie and I am a high school student. I have past experience with the military, both of my grandpas served in the Army. My papa was a Captain in the Army and my opa was a German translator. My opa lived in Germany when he was a little boy during WWII. His father spoke out against Hitler and was sent to a concentration camp. He miraculously survived the camp and was able to meet up with my opa and his family after the US won the war.

You survived a brutal war and kept persevering to get back home. I am sure your family was ecstatic to see you when you came home, and it was the same feeling that my opa felt when he met up with his father. You changed multiple lives by fighting for our country and I’m sure my family is just one of the many stories. Thank you for fighting not only for your own life, but for all Americans.    

My great grandfather was not allowed freedom of speech, and all of his freedoms were taken away when he was sent to the concentration camp. Because of your service to the war my family could be reunited and come to America. My family is an important aspect of my life it could’ve changed if you and fellow veterans did not serve in the war. In the United States I am allowed freedom of speech and many more freedoms because of servicemen and women like you.

I would like to thank you again for all of time and dedication you sacrificed for not only our country, but for the world. I am 17 years old right now and I could not imagine being drafted to fight in a different country next year.

You are a very brave person who saved many lives, including the ones in my family. I am forever grateful to you, and thankful for your service.


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