If I Could, I Would | Teen Ink

If I Could, I Would

September 24, 2017
By zoeyschneeberg BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
zoeyschneeberg BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be soft, do not let the world make you hard."

If I could, I would see the stars. I would listen to the soothing roar of the ocean. I would take a deep breath in, and out. If I could, I would do these simple things. I would do them with new eyes, new ears, new lungs. My senses have been poisoned. My eyes are not pure. They have faced all the bloodshed and hardship this world has to offer. My eyes have starred depression in the face. They have seen too many people fall out of love.

The stars are breathtaking.. They remind us we aren’t alone in this world. Somewhere, millions of light years away, there’s a flaming hot ball of gas shinning for us. Our star’s light, the sun, travels to us from 93,000,000 miles away. Stars travel two million miles per hour, just to shine for us. They dodge black holes, white holes, and every other obstacle the universe throws at them. It almost seems impossible for their light to reach us. Yet, humans can see 2,000 per night. Nonetheless, most people don’t take the time to look up. They don’t realize the journey that flaming ball of gas took just to be seen by us. I always make my loved ones look up at the stars, especially on a particularly dark night. They deserve to see them. The stars should be lucky to have their eyes gaze upon them.

My eyes are not beautiful enough to gaze at such sights. My eyes know how this all ends. They know in a few years, we will all be gone, and no one will be left to remember us. All the miniscule tasks we do day-to-day won’t matter. Picking up your clothes, eating breakfast, waiting for a message from that special someone, won’t matter. We won’t matter. My eyes don’t have hope. They see where this world is headed, and they know there is no fighting the inevitable. 

The stars are worthy of eyes connected to a body that bleeds happiness. A body that’s bones are held up by joy and love. One who does not crumble under the world’s weight. One who faces life’s struggles with strength and pride, not cowardness. The shining ball of gas that traveled millions of miles here deserves better. My eyes are dull, weighed down by the lackluster of life. They can look upon incredible sights, but can’t appreciate them. Soon, those sites will be gone, and it doesn’t matter if my insignificant eyes glanced at them.

Perhaps we are the stars. We travel absurd distances and face severe obstacles just to be seen. We think the most important part about life is to be seen, even though we have the whole universe to explore. We focus on the single aspect of someone else’s validation instead of our own. Even if you receive that validation, then what? You spent your whole life shaping yourself to fit the mold of other’s. The biggest of life’s mysteries is realizing you have to live unapologetically. At the end of the day, you're stuck with yourself.

The stars are breathtaking. If I could, I would stare at them in awe. I hope one day I can look at the stars with new eyes. I don’t know if I will be able to look away. 

The author's comments:

"If I Could, I Would" was a writing prompt in my english class. I decided to twist it and address my feelings on life and the universe.

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