Escape Through Time | Teen Ink

Escape Through Time

October 13, 2016
By abhiroop_basak GOLD, Kolkata, New York
abhiroop_basak GOLD, Kolkata, New York
10 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Through the ages people have expressed their desire to go back in time. Time travelling is one of the basic themes in cinema, literature and drama. This unique way of travelling through time must have originated from the ardent desire to rectify one’s mistake in the past take a glance into the future to get a prior idea of the consequence.

The very aim of time travelling has woven human’s vivid imagination to showcase parts of the Earth as mythical, mysterious. One such place is the Bermuda Triangle. Due to several scientific factors expressed by the scientist, planes flying over this region get crashed. Those who are lucky enough to escape describe stories of having taken back to the times of French Revolution.

Time can be expressed as the waft of the wept that signifies space or dimension. Although some scientists have crowned time as the fourth dimension, it can hardly be practical. Time is always flowing and it cannot be made to flow in the opposite direction. Just as a river following the gradient of the land, time is unidirectional and always flowing. It cannot be stopped by whatever force applied.

But can it be ever possible? Again nobody can predict the future and it may be possible a hundred or thousand years ago that time travelling be possible. If this is possible or rather made possible, it would be a great success for mankind. But remember, playing with physics can be dangerous. Altering certain incidents of the past or altering the future can give rise to extinction of many things from Earth- land, kingdoms, technology, culture and even humans.

Think of the situation if dinosaurs still existed on Earth, if the European explorers did not find Africa, America and Asia. If the world wars were not waged, do you think people of the 21st century would be technologically as advanced as they are now? Whatever happened on Earth may have caused mishap to many and preventing their occurrence could be beneficial as it would protect great resources, but remember, we are all existing now, here as these happened.

In the ancient times, certain Greek philosophers and prescient have given reference of certain events occurring in the past. These are either coincidence or they possessed such technology. But how can that be possible? Thus eliminates the second probability. Seeing into the future is something vague as “what is future?” is not known to anybody.

Future is not fixed. It changes over and over and we the humans change them with our deeds. It means uncertainty and unknown pathway that doesn’t have an end just like its counterpart-past. The only difference is that, past is known where as future is yet to be known and that explains the vagueness of the word.

The author's comments:

This is about one of the most thought about topics in world science- advancement in science can result into which type of consequence and of the most recent and interesting ambition of young scientists, travelling through time.

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