Everything Happens for a Reason | Teen Ink

Everything Happens for a Reason

May 9, 2016
By jamiej BRONZE, Wilmington, North Carolina
jamiej BRONZE, Wilmington, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The 3 D’s: death, distress, disappointment.  We’ve all experienced rough times in our lives; some more than others.  Many people choose to focus on the past, rather than the future. When a plan veers off-course, one typically begins to worry, “What if? If only I had...I could have….” I am not alone in criticizing myself for things out of my control. Society’s beliefs dictate that negatives destroy us, mistakes define us, and often, we feel trapped in a hole in which the only exit is through our common fear: the future.  Freeing our minds of the worries, of the decisions made, and of the past can be a struggle. However, to advance personally and as a member of society, we must focus on the future and accept that everything happens for a reason.

Life is simpler when one realizes that all of life’s obstacles happen for a reason. Instead of looking at the drawbacks of a situation and feeling depressed and defeated, we must understand that each event in life will be beneficial in the future. Though the benefit may not be presently obvious, we must force ourselves to consider the positive impact on one’s life and new opportunities created. It is necessary that we remain positive and hopeful, as with each failure leads to a new success, with each loss opens a new door to opportunities, and with each tragedy it is a time to for reflection and personal growth. This way of living life, “Everything Happens for a Reason” may be hard to comprehend and adhere to at first, but it is certainly tangible. It is absolutely normal to be upset about situations that turn out differently than expected. But, how one handles the disappointment long term determines whether failure or success will define oneself. 


Overcoming obstacles and moving on proves to naysayers and to ourselves that we are strong and resilient.  With this positive mindset, no longer will we drown in the past; instead we shall prosper in the future.
The past is vital towards boldly prospering in the future and building upon our memories and mistakes. We must impact our society, as the future holds so much for us. The doors for the future are infinite, and there is so much to do, so much to create, and so much to improve. So, instead of focusing on the past, be confident that “Everything happens for a Reason.”  The old adage holds true: when one door closes, another door opens. We, as creative, passionate, and brilliant people hold great potential. Everyone should explore new places and topics, be confident in what they do, and eradicate the stigma attached to our future. What will we do as a collective society to impact this world tremendously? Only the future will tell, and it is up to us to make it happen. Now starts with us, and we can do it, because, “Everything happens for a reason.”

The author's comments:

This essay truly embodies how I live my life.

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