Day by Day | Teen Ink

Day by Day

May 6, 2016
By Anonymous

We go day by day wondering waht is going to hapen next or if something bad or good is going to happen. We also never really know if we are going to die or not, because nobody really knows. So we go day by day wondering even sometimes hoping taht we are going to die. We go day by day putting a smile on our face so that we are not juged or questioned. But yet day by day we still get juged and questioned because others want to put us down. They want to make us feel like we are worthless all because they want to feel great about there selfs. They call us emo because of how we dress or act, but yet they don't know what we go through day by day. They call us dorks or nerds because we have good grades and we wont let them copy our work. They call us ugly because we do not meet their standards of what they call beauty. But really waht is the real definition of beautiful. They call us fat because we do not meet the expectation of a tooth pick. They juged us day by day but yet they do not know what we go through day by day. They don't know what we go through at home or what is going on with us. All they see is that there is someone they think they can pic on,but then get mad and want to fight whenn we defend ourselfs. They think taht by the way we look we can't fight and that we are week. And one of these days we are going to get enough of the bullying and getting bullied day by day. Eventually we will get enough and we will fight back and they wont know what to do. Day by day we walk and get pushed closer and closer to the edge of the cliff and when we get pushed off that will be the end of the bullying. No matter waht we do it be the end of all the bullying and a lot of the time when someone gets pushed to the end they do not want to live any more so they end it all. But yet there is still day by day that nobody cares what someone else is feeling or how emotionaly unstable they are.

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