A Proposal for Prison Reform | Teen Ink

A Proposal for Prison Reform

December 3, 2015
By smankin15 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
smankin15 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The current state of the American prison system is appalling to those with a sense of humanity. Controlled by corporations and organizations whose motive is solely profit, the interests of prisoners are totally disregarded. Our prison system has been turned into an industry. Instead of rehabilitation, prisoners are being exploited for business purposes. Our incarcerated citizens would benefit from being under the charge of those more concerned with human connection and bonding. With activities that promote social skills and give the inmates a sense of community, each prisoner would have a better opportunity to improve themselves in the hopes of being allowed back into society. I propose to change the current prison system administration led by corporations to an administration run by college sororities.

Complete administrative control over the prison and the prisoners’ activities will be given to the closest college sororities. Since sororities create an atmosphere of fun and friendship, their energy will inspire the prisoners to get to know whom they are sharing their confinement with. Just like their new authority figures, each convict will engage in multiple activities that will boost their social skills and allow them to become a “family”. The idea of sisterhood and coming together despite diversity will be implanted in the prisoners, giving them a new perspective. Through the ideals of a sorority, respect and responsibility will be the new foundations of the American prison system. The interaction with the prisoners will also benefit the sororities, giving them leadership skills while fulfilling their community service requirement. The culture clash of the convicted felons and sorority sisters will be difficult at first, but each side will see what the other has to offer, such as the prisoner’s creative ability to make toilet wine and the sister’s dance choreography. With the leadership of the sorority sisters, the prisoners will be better taken care of and able to re-enter society as reformed citizens.

The different sororities will recreate Greek life in the prisons. The prisoners will be randomly assigned to a sorority so that diversity is guaranteed and the prisoners will get to meet people they would not have normally interacted with. The different prison sororities will create guidelines for their group to follow and keep each other in line. General rules could include not shanking your shower neighbor or asking the new inmate if you could take him on a date before rudely groping him. If a sister (prisoner) falls out of line they will be suspended from a social event. The different groups will have to event plan, creating socials with the other sororities (prisoners) to get to know each other better. For the socials, the prisoners will need a (willing) date and their (shank-free) best apparel. This will teach the prisoners skills such as how to approach others in a respectful manner and how to present themselves properly. The prisoners will also plan fundraisers such as bake sales for the prison. Trusting the prisoners will money will be a big step for them but if they misuse this power they will be forced through pledge tasks such as cleaning the prison with toothbrushes. This will teach them responsibility and instill in them a sense of purpose. To inspire unity, the prisoners will have sharing circles to talk about their feelings and why they are incarcerated. The more the prisoners are able to relate to each other, the more empathy they will develop, which will help them reinter society and stay out of trouble.  The prison system has dehumanized its participants, but the sorority system is designed to give them their self-confidence back and give them the backbone of the modern American young woman.

In a prison system run by sororities, the prisoners’ personal needs will not only be met but their lives improved by the human connections they establish. So in touch with their feelings, our prisoners will be empathetic and caring and riots will now consist of pillow fights and throwing glitter. No fights will occur without talking it out then hugging and crying afterwards. With a renewed sense of humanity, the prisoners will be able to relate to outside society inspiring them to rejoin it. A sorority more than any other system would bring order to the prison system, re-organizing its goals into that of rehabilitation, recovery, and the ability to throw a killer costume party.

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