Actions Speak Louder | Teen Ink

Actions Speak Louder

October 6, 2015
By Anonymous

As a young child you are brought up as always think before you speak, and remember to always use your "inside voice." Till this day our minds are brain washed to define ourselves by what we believe,and not by our actions. I believe that a person's actions are more important than what a person thinks because, when an action is taken place it has a greater impact is left. Also actions get your point across much faster and clearer, they have a way of staying in ones mind longer than any thought.

When a persons takes action on what he believes it shows that, he doesn't wait for someone to help him. He's goes and gets the job done. For example, when a girl has a crush on a cute boy, and nothing to get his attention; waits around for him to make the first move. Instead she puts her thoughts aside and makes them reality, and ends up getting her boy. Actions shows guts, they also gets your point across twice as fast.

Also actions tend to leave a greater impact, leaves the other person in shock as you show others what you actually mean. For instance, in a job interview you would like want to leave a good impression on your future boss. You would not just think about putting your best foot forward, but would actually take control do your best in the interview and get that job.

In conclusion, actions speak louder than any words or thoughts. Most people would think before they speak,but with actions you take the road less traveled by. Make your thoughts become reality in some sense. So don't just lets your thoughts be what defines you, but as well as your actions, they say what no thought can. They say what you do and mean.

The author's comments:

I believe actions have a louder voice that and thought you may have and that action can be you reality 

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