What A Book Is | Teen Ink

What A Book Is

September 16, 2015
By Cashews BRONZE, Brighton, Colorado
Cashews BRONZE, Brighton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A book is something someone writes. This person could have written it for fun, to teach others, maybe just to save their memories. Some people write just for themselves, some write to teach, others write simply to achieve a deadline. Not every book is written just for you. Whoever writes the book you are reading can not write it just for you. However, if you don’t like the book you’re reading all you have to do is pick up another book.

Books have been inspirations to people since books have been printed. Even if someone doesn’t like a certain book, that same book could have been what kept someone else from not quitting and achieving  their goals. Many people have stopped reading because the books that they have been reading were not meant for them. In order for a book to be an inspiration the book has to mean something to you. Someone who likes reading war stories would hate to have to read Shakespeare. Someone who likes reading science fiction that was told to read Much Ado About Nothing would be bored out of their minds. If these people were given the right book they would begin to understand how much emotion a book can convey, and why they are so important.


When I was first taught to read, I was taught to read in Spanish. My grandma showed  me how to read and write using all of the things in her kitchen. This is one of the greatest gifts someone has ever given me. Not only did she teach me Spanish, she also taught me to read and write. When I first started going to school I couldn’t read as fast as the other kids in my class, and I was going to be held back. This wasn’t because I was mentally impaired, but because I was trying to read English in Spanish. However, because my teachers told my parents they were going to hold me back my mom started to read all sorts of different things with me. She didn’t choose a book that we were going to read, but instead helped me read and understand things that I wanted to learn about. She bought me books that I thought would be interesting, and I read them. Within a couple of months I was able to read faster than the kids in my class. I think the reason I adapted so quickly to reading in English was because I read things that interested me and made me want to keep reading. I believe in books, because they can inspire you to be better than you think you could have ever been.

A book isn’t simply something that people read because they have to, it’s a lot more than that. It’s the reading someone wanted to be a teacher, the reason someone wanted to be a scientist, or a doctor. A book is the inspiration that can push us forward.

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