Media Found to Be Biased! Millions Shocked. | Teen Ink

Media Found to Be Biased! Millions Shocked.

June 9, 2015
By John_sec123 BRONZE, Bloomfield Township, Michigan
John_sec123 BRONZE, Bloomfield Township, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Today's world is fast. Only the best of the best are known by the rest and that applies to just about everyone. People want things to be entertaining, to be exciting. People want to keep up with the world and who could blame them? Every day, thousands of things happen and who knows which one of them could be the thing that determines your what you do with your life? That's where the media comes in. Media determines countless things from how we dress to where we go. The only problem is that the media has become biased. In a fast world with fast people and countless stories the media has begun to tell us what to think, what to believe and this is slowing our fast world down. Media today has become biased in both their opinions and ways of displaying information to the public because they continue to support certain political figures and at the same time create other shows and broadcasts promoting one political side or the other.

In recent months, the media has shown clear bias in many aspects of its reporting of things such as protests and crimes.  "Seventy six percent of U.S. daily newspaper articles covering forest biomass energy over a six-month period from October 15, 2014 through April 15, 2015 entirely ignore the health and environmental impacts of this controversial energy source, including air emissions, climate impacts, and ecosystem degradation"(Schlossberg). Fox News while covering the unrest in Baltimore risked connecting a crime committed in New York City to the violence with little to no information on the incident.

Media, whether it's local or national continues to show biased views when reporting countless stories. From watching a lot of mind rotting TV I couldn't help but notice that nearly every news station had another station where they made it clear what political party they supported. Stations such as Fox and NBC also had biased stations owned by their companies such as Fox News with its red banners of elephants and MSNBC with its blue flags of donkeys. Fox News clearly is conservative while MSNBC is undoubtedly liberal.

Biased views in the media are terrible for the country as a whole because they conceal parts of information that could benefit the nation. Society as a whole is being negatively impacted by the media's constant altering of information. The media continues to show political bias that affects coverage of certain stories such as crimes or debates. What happens because of this is devastating for the nation as a whole. People are misled because they are given ideas of one party or the other and it begins to change their views and stop them from seeing the truth. Media doing this can change outcomes on important elections whether they be on a local or national level. The results of this can cause a nation's economy to be affected and change many important aspects of the nation.

The media in an effort to make people believe in certain views of the company continues to alter the way they portray information. In New York City just over half of people arrested for violent crimes are African Americans while the media that reports about these arrests reports about a far larger percentage of African American suspects of around 75 percent (Wade).

The media if it continues down a path of biased opinions, will cause destruction in the trust and learning of American citizens. In the future, if the media continues to broadcast biased views on a range of issues people will be left in the dark. Societies that follow this trend of twisting information have hurt others lives. They have kept people without a voice to truly speak out against a crowd that has nearly all of the same views. Leaving people without the full truth is far worse than not telling them anything at all. By giving people parts and bits of a story you can change their natural response greatly and in doing so hurt relationships throughout the nation.

The media still gives credible information even if it is biased. Many people ignore the common understanding of media bias because they believe that just because something is biased, it doesn't mean that the information given is not credible. Bias in the media may not prevent the media from telling every major story, but the stories that it does change or alter can have just as much of an impact on society in the long run. So know that a biased media means a lesser knowledge for us all.

The world today is slowing. People are becoming misinformed on a day to day basis as important stories are skipped, forgotten by the media. The slowing of our world, of our lives, can be stopped. It just takes you. If people stand up against the biased companies that run the news the world will be free from the chains that hold it back from advancing to another day. Today is right now, but if we do something about the media right now, the world's tomorrow will be better for all of us.

Works Cited
Koplowitz, Howard. "Rand Paul Media Bias? Reporters Have 'Lovefest' With Hillary Clinton, But Hound Republicans On Abortion, GOP Presidential Candidate Says." International Business
Times. IB Times, 16 Apr. 2015. Web. 01 June 2015.

"Media Bias." CNN IReport. CNN, 3 May 2015. Web. 01 June 2015.

Schlossberg, Josh. "Media Bias for Biomass Energy?" Media Bias for Biomass Energy? Earth Island, 7 May 2015. Web. 28 May 2015.

Starnes, Todd. "Anti-Christian Bias at CBS? Conservatives Blast 'Face the Nation' | Fox News."
Fox News. FOX News Network, 01 May 2015. Web. 01 June 2015.

Taibi, Catherine. "What's Not Working In Media's Coverage Of Baltimore." The Huffington Post., 28 Apr. 2015. Web. 01 June 2015.

Wade, Lisa. "Racial Bias and How the Media Perpetuates It With Coverage of Violent Crime."      Pacific Standard. Pacific Standard, 17 Apr. 2015. Web. 28 May 2015.

The author's comments:

I felt the need to write this because it affects us all.

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