Peace on Earth | Teen Ink

Peace on Earth

November 20, 2014
By Anonymous

I believe there will be a peaceful revolution.

On March 5th, 1930 Gandhi declared that himself and his 79 followers would make a trek to the coast. There they would make salt since the British had put taxes on the salt. The journey began on March 12th and lasted until April 5th. When they made it to the coast, they slept on the beach and the very next morning, they took mud encrusted with salt and boiled it making salt and thereby breaking the salt laws. Salt was now the symbol of India’s freedom.

On March 5th, 1931 both India and Britain were both tired of . After Gandhi got his fellow Congressmen out of prison, they had a meeting with Lord Irwin and asked for a truce. The result was the Dehli-Pact. Gandhi had freed India without war. He didn’t have to fight, his words and actions were enough.

When I was in 8th grade, I signed up to go to a peace convention through the school. I didn’t really know what it was but I’d do anything to get out of class for a day. When the time came a few of the kids in my class and I piled on a bus at 7 in the morning and we were off to Corvallis. We arrived at the courtyard of Oregon State University and were welcomed into the building to sign up for lectures. Being unsure of what to choose I just signed up for the same classes my friends were taking. There was a class on bullying, racism, and the one that opened my mind, world peace.

My first two lectures hadn’t gone too well, so I was pretty skeptical about going to my last one. I took one look at the man who was leading the lecture and it made me feel so much better about this day. He greeted me with a welcoming smile and a warm handshake. About ten minutes later the class started, he began to talk about peace within our own lives, in our community and eventually he lead up to the peace within our world. He told us that anybody had the power to change the world and to this day I still believe he was right. Different people can contribute to a better world in a variety of ways.

All it takes is one small step towards a better world. Because of all that has happened--minds being opened, countries being freed, and much more--we have the power to become one whole world. An inseparable world which can not be defined by the countries in it. Together we can work to end poverty, stop racism, defeat world hunger, and overcome the struggles of unified world.

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