You are Beautiful | Teen Ink

You are Beautiful

October 31, 2014
By Macmiller97 BRONZE, Woodward, Oklahoma
Macmiller97 BRONZE, Woodward, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In life we need to learn to love ourselves before we try to love someone else. We are beautiful in our own skin and i wish so many of us would see that. Everybody talks about women being insecure, but what about men? They have self images issues too! Our visions of ourselves, men and women, are horrible, and they need to be reslistic. Theres this saying that goes: "you could be the prettiest juciest best tasting peach on the earth, but theres always gonna be that one person who hates peaches." -anonymous. I see what its trying to say. It means no matter who you are or what you come from theres always going to be someone to put you down. Keep your head held high because i promise, you ARE beautiful. Whenever those people tell you that you're too fat, too skinny,or ugly. Remember that you're you and nobody can take that from you. Youre beautiful in your own way. 

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