Feminism: Not as Complicated as it Seems | Teen Ink

Feminism: Not as Complicated as it Seems

October 20, 2014
By Bchou7 BRONZE, Vallejo, California
Bchou7 BRONZE, Vallejo, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If you ask any random person on the street what feminism is, the answer you'll likely get is "Huh?". Feminism, in the simplest terms, is quite easy to understand. The belief that men and women should have equal rights. So why are so many people confused on the concept of feminism? The truth is, feminism in culture and politics has become warped. We see people on TV talk about feminism like it's a serious issue, as if there is an actual conflict over the idea that women can be just as good as men. We see politicians in political debates fight over whether one is a feminist or not, whether feminism is fairly represented in various cultural issues. And I have to say, that is complete BS. Feminism is not a national issue; the USA is a feminist nation. Whether they know it or not, most people are feminists.

Feminism. The word itself has so many unnecessary connotations. "Does that mean that you're a lesbian?" is a common question asked to many female self-proclaimed feminists. And a similar question, "Does that mean that you're gay?" is asked to many male feminists. No, feminism has nothing to do with one's sexuality. And furthermore, feminism should not be something associated with the females alone. After all, most males are feminists. If you are happily married and treat your wife with respect, you are a feminist. If you go to school with girls, and you have friends that are girls, you are a feminist. If you take regular check-ups from a female dentist, you are a feminist. Respect for women is something that should come naturally, and along with it, the idea that women and men are equals.

As a serious feminist myself, I think it is ridiculous to even have a term for something that shouldn't need definition. Of course men and women need to have the same rights. To say that there is a select group that believes in this, to reserve a special term in the dictionary under a picture of a smiling woman, is unnecessary. It's 2014, for God's sake. Soon to be 2015. We do not live in the 1800's, when women dressed in petticoats and curtsied for men. We do not live in the 1900's, when women didn't have the option of writing down an occupation on a telemarketer's survey. We live in the 21st century, when women can have jobs and can hold positions in Congress and don't have to discover a new element or cure cancer to deserve the respect of men. Feminism should not be labeled as a "highly controversial topic" because, in reality, it's not. And to argue whether or not one is a feminist for whatever reasons given is a waste of time, because a feminist isn't so complicated that there are specific qualifications for being one. Just know this: feminists are just people who believe in gender equality. To be a feminist is to also be an American, because all Americans believe in rights for everyone

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This article has 1 comment.

mchou359 said...
on Jan. 21 2015 at 2:17 am
mchou359, Vallejo, California
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
omg brian. not ur best work. also men can be friends with women and treat their wife with respect but still believe that they are more superior to them. The definition of feminism isn't that broad. Also, be more original with your writing. If i didn't know better, I would've thought that you just copied and pasted shit from the controversial side of Tumblr.