The Lies We Become | Teen Ink

The Lies We Become

June 1, 2014
By -emma- GOLD, Miami, Florida
-emma- GOLD, Miami, Florida
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm like a child who belongs to nobody
~Lana Del Rey~

Lies are like band-aids. They cover up the ugly truth, just like band-aids cover up the ugly cut. Lies are told to cover up our tracks. It keeps the truth locked away. Lies are spread to hide something. Something that’s so bad that it can get us into trouble.

The lie is supposed to work in our favor from keeping the truth hidden. I mean that’s why murderers lie about killing someone isn’t? Lying makes us feel in control of the truth. Like a driver controls the car. They control the speed of the car every second of the drive. Being able to accelerate or decelerate at any given moment.

A lie is something that can damn us or free us. A lie damns us when we get caught. Because Lies are so complexed, we have to have multiple lies to make up the full story. We get caught in one lie, we get caught in all the others, revealing the truth. But carry out one lie perfectly, the rest of the lies fall right into our laps, freeing us from the truth.

Lies need to be synchronized in order for it to work in our favor. Although we like to think that we control the lie, the lie actually controls us. We have to make other lies to support it. Getting us deeper into the lie. Lying is always dirty work. It leaves blood on your hands that only we can see.

At first we have a guilty consciousness. Keeping us up late at night tossing and turning. Worrying about who will find out. Our legs constantly shaking from the nerves. Grinding our teeth and biting your nails. Soon enough we become immune to it. We learn to deal with the guilt and become numb, because it’s more important to lie to hide the truth.

We begin to feel comfortable lying. Than you find yourself lying through your teeth. You end up telling lies like its breathing air. We end up lying so much that even we begin to believe the lie we feed to everyone else. The truth ends up becoming a blur and the lie ends up looking like the truth. That’s when we know that lying has become a second nature to us.

We hide the truth with lies. We end up forgetting who we truly are, but end up remembering what we want to be. Because of lies the truth stays hidden until we want it to be found. There are moments when lying is the only way out. Sometimes you are just better off with a good lie.

The author's comments:
This piece is supposed to make readers realize that lying is easy to do and a bad habit to break. And we have all been through the whole process of lying so I figure that everyone can relate to this piece.

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