Open Letter: Freshman | Teen Ink

Open Letter: Freshman

May 7, 2014
By Anonymous

Dear incoming class of 2018,

Listen up Freshman hear's something all of you should hear. Don't take this year easily because it all begins here. Try your hardest to stay friends with your pals from middle school.Yes I know we change and grow like a blooming flower but don't get caught by a weed. Stay true to yourself and you will achieve many things. I know that you are little and may not know much but make sure you know what your morals are and follow them. Don't conform to others. A reputation is delicate like glass very easy to shatter if dropped only once.

Listen up freshman because this is just the start. You will meet hundreds of many interesting people and each and everyone will have an impact on you.

Make sure they are all positive. I'm telling you now that some will be fake and you will move from many people but try to find at least one friend that is near and real.

There will be back stabbers and lairs. Your job is to differentiate them. You control your own happiness and you should surround yourself by people who bring out the best in you not the other way around.

Listen up freshman your heart is a secret garden don't let just anybody in. Be as compassionate as possible but be sure you trust the person whom you give the key. Love strongly and put 100% into any relationship you are in because there is no point in being in one when you are not getting that in return.

Listen up freshman you are stronger then you think. Yes you may be younger but words are the most powerful. Walk through confidence in the halls with your head up high and I bet you a nickel that us senior won't think twice. These will be the best and worst years of your life take these tips and live each day like it is your last. In four years when you graduate I'm sure you'll be impressed.

Yours Truly,

Kasia B., Graduating Senior Class of 2014

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