Soccer Parents | Teen Ink

Soccer Parents

March 6, 2014
By Logan Lafferty BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Logan Lafferty BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One hard life lesson I've been through was at an average soccer game. My Dad always tells me when a parent yells at you, you have to think to yourself, “ your way to good and you can't be stopped.” When my dad goes to my soccer games, he always yells motivating quotes to get my head in the game. I always for some odd reason get a burst and score five goals when my dad is there. He’s the spark in the mid-game moments when you need a goal when you're losing.
He’s not at every game but, when he comes, its absolutely amazing. This hard life lesson also relates to how my dad can't always come to my soccer games because he has to work as a doctor. So he isn't always home either. The reason this is a hard life lesson is that some parents lose their cool and yell things like kill him, destroy him, push him down, fight him, he sucks, let me on the field so I can beat him already and just plain kick him down.
When parents yell at me it always triggers something in my heart that makes me non-motivated and feel like I'm nothing to the game and to my teammates who are dying to win. But, when my mom and dad are there, its a whole different story. They say all the other motivative things that are absolutely the opposite of what the other parents are saying to not only me, but others too. They would say, “Come on Logan,” or, “Score!”
My mom and dad keep me going with soccer because of all the motivational quotes and hard work they put up with the rest of the family. Also how they don’t give up when I mess up or give up on something.
If parents yell at you when you're playing a soccer game, just think to yourself, your way to good and that’s why they are saying those thing. This was my hard life lesson being between my dad and the parents at the soccer games and my motto for this is, “ When you get yelled at and pushed around, it just means you're the best in the game.”

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