Social Media Issues | Teen Ink

Social Media Issues

January 3, 2014
By QuentinB BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
QuentinB BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Social Media, a place where people post information about themselves for the whole world to see. But the big question is do teenagers post too much on social media. I believe they do and i will tell you why we need to warn them about the dangers of social networks.

Social Media is big around the whole world today and everyone uses it. People post pictures, post comments, post videos and share info with their friends.They don’t know that if they don’t change their privacy settings that stalkers and creeps and look through their page and can pretend to be who they are not.Their account can be hacked and inappropriate items can be put on there. People can find out where you live and where you will be at at any moment. Teens need to make sure they close their privacy setting.

Another problem is that people in social media comment on items and say mean things that hurt other people’s feelings. Some people have committed suicide because of people being mean or saying rude things to them. This is called cyberbullying. Some people act tough online but won’t in real life.

Some opponents may say that it’s a free country and they can do whatever they want. The problem is that if teens keep posting inappropriate pictures they will have trouble having a good job. They also might say that they will never get hacked and they will never bully anyone. Sometimes people post bad pictures and everyone sees it then they feel humiliated.

So, teenagers sharing too much online is a big problem. I believe that they do and they should stop. People are getting hacked and hurt. People should slow down and stay safe. Change your privacy settings and beware of what you post on social networks.

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