The Two Sides of Life | Teen Ink

The Two Sides of Life

December 18, 2013
By Stephanie Maisonet BRONZE, Philadelphia, Other
Stephanie Maisonet BRONZE, Philadelphia, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Is there only one definition of good or are there many different ones?Many people might say that good means to behave well and to never get in trouble. For example, always respect your elderly, never run away from home and ect. My opinion of good is when someone cares about themselves and other people around them. For example when you care about other people around you like people in the streets, you give them food and find them a shelter. Around every neighborhood there are many homeless people who need somewhere to live. If you say you're a “good” person, show it. Just by saying it doesn’t mean anything. Every person struggles with two sides to their life: good and evil.

An example of good is showing that you care about other people.You can help out at the senior center too. You can help out by taking care of the old people and take them out for walks or having their family come and visit them. Even Macbeth, a literary character known for his selfishness and evil, showed good that existed within himself. Before Lady Macbeth convinces Macbeth to murder the king he was a very nice person. He always thought of king Duncan as a good person who he cared about. But eventually Lady Macbeth got in his head.

Now evil, is there really such a thing to the word “evil”, or is it a word that people just say. People may say that the word “evil” is just something people say. For example, if you have a brother/sister you might say their “evil” just to bother them.I think that evil is something that can be done by people. In the world there are many different meanings of the word evil. My meaning for the word evil is when you try to hurt someone badly without the person doing anything to you. Recently, I was watching the news and saw someone blow up a building just because he wanted to. Because of that man 6 people died and 13 were injured badly. I think the people who do these things are looking for ATTENTION, or are just doing it because because they feel hurt inside and they want everyone to feel the same pain.

An example of evil can be from the play Macbeth. In Macbeth, Lady Macbeth asked the “evil” spirits to come to her so that way she can get Macbeth to be “evil” enough to murder king Duncan. Macbeth didn’t think it was a good idea because Duncan never did anything bad to him and he didn’t deserve to be murdered, but Lady Macbeth kept trying to talk Macbeth into killing King Duncan. Macbeth finally listened to Lady Macbeth and thought that it was a good plan. King Duncan being murdered was all caused by Lady Macbeth pressuring Macbeth into doing it. This is a good example of how the evil comes out in someone good.

You can’t look at a person and just assume that they are “good” or “evil”. You have to get to know the person, maybe the person is a good person but has an evil side to his/her life. Every single person will have to struggle with the fact that they have an evil part inside of them. Never doubt someone, get to know them first.

The author's comments:
The one thing I hope people will get from this piece is to not judge anyone just by how they look. Get to know the person first.

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