Shocking Moment | Teen Ink

Shocking Moment

December 18, 2013
By Joshua Gonzalez BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Joshua Gonzalez BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The most shocking thing that ever happened to me is when my dad called me and said that he was locked up, that was the most shocking thing because he is not going to be here to spend time with us on any holidays, see smile on his grand kids when he buys them gifts, and more. All people experience shocking moments in their lives.

Another shocking thing ever is 9/11. 9/11 was shocking because the terrorists came and exploded three buildings. People were trap in building they was trying come out, people were praying that the people still alive. Some were and some weren’t killed. Many people were injured though. Also it was the most shocking thing ever because they first attack on us soil since pearl harbor in world war ll.

In the Macbeth movie the most shocking saw was that he was fighting Macduff and the end of scene macduff cut macbeth head off, it was shocking i never knew he will going to cut his head off and he was a good king so he shouldnt got killed like that.

In conclusion by saying that our most shocking things is important because we have to deal stuff in life is going bad and you just have move on and not think about it. To deal with shocking moment you have to try to talk somebody and see if they help you to get over it.

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