Shocking Experiences | Teen Ink

Shocking Experiences

December 18, 2013
By Jessica Pinto BRONZE, PA, Pennsylvania
Jessica Pinto BRONZE, PA, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Shocking moments occur mostly when people pass away. Most people like to live for a long time but there is gonna be a time where everyone has to go . That day will be shocking to others because no one wants to believe that it really happened. Everyone experiences shocking moments in their life.

I’ve always been a happy person but only one news changed me to being a not so happy person all the time anymore. The news was when my grandfather had passed. I walked in my cousins house laughing and joking around until I seen my mom in tears. Never have I seen my mom cry before so it hurt me. She gave me a tight hug and told me my grandfather had passed. I broke down crying , i never would've thought that day would come. I cried the whole day. That night my mom told me to pack my bags because we were going to Dominican Republic. When we got there , I couldn't stop shaking when I saw my grandfather laying there not being able to give me a hug or a kiss.

Another shocking moment was when I first found out on the news that little girls were getting raped. Little girls from all ages were getting abused and kidnapped. Its crazy what their parents have to go through. One article I read before was about a man who raped a 13 year old girl and killed her family. It shocked me because they are so young to even be going through things like that. I’m not saying that adults should go through it and not kids because no one should be able to experienced something like that, i’m saying it’s harsh to raped young kids.They must be scared and terrified. In my family nobody ever got raped, abused or kidnapped but I can feel what others go through.

In the play Macbeth there was a moment when everyone thought Macbeth was a nice person but he really wasn't. Macbeth was loyal to his castle and Lady Macbeth but he was a selfish man. King Duncan was known as the first king. When King Duncan was sleeping Macbeth killed him. His wife Lady Macbeth made a sneaky move to drug the servants and but the knife and King Duncans blood on them while they were sleeping. Everyone was shocked when they found him dead in his room. Macbeth continued to kill the people who would suspect him of the murder of the king. At the end karma came back to Macbeth , so he got killed by Macduff.

Everyone will experience shocking moments in their life. From stories to news on TV to even myself we all experience life changing experiences . The key is we need to learn from our shocking experiences and keep our head up. Yes we may feel sad but that's just the way life is going to be like. Whatever life hands us we have to accept it.

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