Blue Eyed, Red Died | Teen Ink

Blue Eyed, Red Died

November 8, 2013
By Patrick... BRONZE, Kennesaw, Georgia
Patrick... BRONZE, Kennesaw, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Look at that child. Those legs, them ankles. Too bad he's a minor...But, there's a way around everything, is there not?

Human trafficking has become such a problem int he modern world but very little is done about it. Every year, 300 thousand children are prostituted and vanish without a trace as they are sold to partners much older then themselves. As soon as they're taken, these children have continuous intercourse--most times surpassing 40 occurrences in one day. The worst part, most of these children are taken within 48 hours of leaving their household; that is two days without any care from a nurturing mother, a caring father. Most can not make it two days and those that can't revert to the only trade that gets them food and water.

What is human trafficking? Human trafficking is the criminal taking of humans and selling their bodies and services. One of the largest human trafficking centers is Atlanta. Atlanta? Yes, Atlanta--one of the worlds biggest airports; it serves as a great headquarter location to import and export "property". At minimum, a pimp can buy 4-6 children a day through the Airport. These 4-6 children will then make the pimp $150,000 to $200,000 per child. Human trafficking is a very profitable business but it must be stopped!

Prevent Human Trafficking is an outstanding charity that accepts money and in turn, sends teams out to find captured children. Every year, this charity saves upwards of 100 children from South Eastern Asia. This may not be a large number, but compared to other charities, it is amazing. By donating $25, you can save a child. Would you watch a child suffer and be brutally handled?

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