Working | Teen Ink


July 25, 2013
By DimitriLuzkalov BRONZE, Auburn, Delaware
DimitriLuzkalov BRONZE, Auburn, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Growing up, I never really understood how much effort it takes just to survive. During my youth, I thought that I was going to be provided for my whole life. My standpoint changed in life when I finally started to do real work, instead of simple chores. I thought that even little chores were a lot then. Friends also factor into how happy people are, Growing up I continue to loose friends and can’t have friends that I can tolerate all of the time.

I know that in the real world, people have to just adapt to their problems. Although, I am constantly wondering and worrying if I will be able to secure a full time job, and have good friends when im older. Maybe someday, people will be able to live happily, without having to throw all of their money to things like taxes, and other things that they don’t need. I don’t know how people can willingly understand that even though they work their fingers to the bone, they still get almost nothing out of it. Some people still don’t understand the value of life and how much it means to other people.

Many People in the world completely disregard the aspect of other people’s lives and takes their work more seriously then their social life. Friends help people be friendlier and obviously happier, so it is good to equally have the same amount of both a good work ethic and decent friends. Much of the time, people get so caught up in their work, they forget about what is important, which is to enjoy life, not concentrate on making money.

People think that money is the key to being successful and happy, and I agree to an extent, but there comes a time when people are so caught up in working trying to make a living, when they cant even have anyone that likes them anymore, and end up becoming more and more unhappy. The point in me saying this is to tell readers to not be so caught up in making money and worry about making good friends and that’s what really matters.

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