Just Fly | Teen Ink

Just Fly

December 21, 2012
By becka.lynn BRONZE, Florissant, Missouri
becka.lynn BRONZE, Florissant, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

An unknown source once said, “Butterflies can’t see their wings. They can’t see how truly beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that as well.” It is truly rare that a person sees themselves for their true value. Each and every person is valuable to no extent; every single individual is capable of anything and everything they set their mind to. As humans we are limitless, there is nothing in this world that we can’t do, you just have to believe in yourself.

Sometimes we all give up, lose hope, and abandon our dreams. The only thing that you can truly rely on in your lifetime is you. If you give up on you then who do you have? Believing in you isn’t something that comes easily. In this world there is more hatred than love, there is more evil than good, there is more ugly than beautiful. In your own way, you must learn to overcome these obstacles, from the boys making fun of you to the girls that talk about you behind closed doors. In life you learn that everything is not what you want it to be, isn’t what you’ve always dreamed up, isn’t what you expected. This world tries nothing but to bring you down, or so it seems. To be rather cliché, there is a light at the end of every tunnel; there is a silver lining to every grey cloud. When you dream you set your own personal goals and people will try to get to you abandon those goals, throw away your dreams, but you should never give up. No matter how hard it seems.

Sometimes life just beats you down; makes you feel like it has chewed you up and spit you out. When you feel like you can’t win, like you’re nothing, like you have absolutely nothing to offer, just believe. Self-esteem is something every single human being should have. We are all here for a reason; we are all destined for greatness. In your lifetime, imagine all the things you could achieve, I would say that as a child Neil Armstrong didn’t know what he was going to be, and how big of a part of American history he would be. Take Albert Einstein for example, as a child he was told by his teachers and peers that he was slow and incompetent, yet he turned out to be one of the greatest minds in history. What if he had listened to the degrading words of his peers and the people who were supposed to support him? The inventor of the light bulb, Thomas Edison, was deaf. Supposed he let his impairment prevent him from making anything of himself. Every single person, every single human, every single being is meant to do something great in life; and per say that person never does it. Then who will?

While sometimes one may think, “there’s nothing for me, I am nothing, and I am worthless” they just need to learn to spread their wings, even if they cannot see them. When someone gives up on themselves they give up on their hopes, dreams, and wants. Everyone on this Earth wants to be someone in life, to do something. We must learn to fly on our own and show off our beautiful wings because even though we can’t see them every one else can. Every human is beautiful perfectly flawed; with beautiful capable wings to take them through their journey, their adventure, their life. No one can live your life for you, so take those wings and spread them wide for the world to see, and be everything that you have ever hoped and dreamed to be. As humans we are indestructible, we can reach whatever heights we reach for, we can be everything that we’ve ever wanted to be. So spread your wings, for you are adamantine. Although you may not see your beauty, the rest of the world can; you are invincible, you are perfect, you are amazing. All you have to do is believe.

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