Hypocrisy in Political America | Teen Ink

Hypocrisy in Political America

September 29, 2012
By KZhang SILVER, Naperville, Illinois
KZhang SILVER, Naperville, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"As I write, highly civilized human beings are flying overhead, trying to kill me"
-George Orwell

I’d like to think that as a nation, we are an intelligent group of people that have a fundamental concern for our personal wellbeing and the wellbeing of the world. I’d like to think that for a nation that fights in the name of democracy, its people would take advantage of their role in government. I’d like to think that the sacrifices that countless brave Americans have made for this right to choose haven’t been in vain and that America’s people still cherish this power.
As an intern at a Congresswoman office, I have the opportunity to speak to a wide variety of individuals from soccer moms to small business owners. As I call people using the office phone, I eagerly ask them the suggestions they have for our government, the problems they are experiencing, and how they want their government to respond. My enthusiasm is usually matched with “I’m not interested”, “I honestly don’t care”, and sometimes an earful of “colorful words”.
It is no secret that as Americans, we are not satisfied with our government. According Gallup, the congress approval rate is at a measly 13%. The same people that eagerly watched their favorite television series for hours the night before do not want to participate in expressing their ideas. It’s simple to criticize one’s government, but it’s hard to offer solutions. As Americans, we pride ourselves in patriotism and our strong sense of justice. If we do not even want to take the time to communicate with our leaders or actively participate in our nation’s government, how can we expect a brighter American future? It is this very hypocrisy and lack of concern regarding our nation’s government that drags our nation down as we try and compete on the global level. How can we expect our leaders to help us if we refuse to help ourselves?

The author's comments:
As an intern at a Congresswoman's Office, I've had a lot of opportunities to talk with a wide variety of people. Rather than reaffirming my hope and pride as an American, some of the conversations I've had have filled me with disappointment and even anger. This essay captures my view of hypocrisy in America and calls for change in this pattern.

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