Whats wrong with Welfare | Teen Ink

Whats wrong with Welfare

October 14, 2011
By Jayson81395 BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Jayson81395 BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Welfare fraud seems to be a big and expensive problem in this nation. I am not saying that all of the welfare system is bad it just needs to be changed because it easily allows many people to commit fraud and is plainly misused. It wastes too much money and can send kids down a worse road in life then they deserve. It is unfortunate that some people who really do need the help can’t get it and other people can just sit back and collect money that doesn’t belong to them.
There are different ways for someone to commit welfare fraud. Many people say that they have children they don’t really have and collect money for a nonexistent child. One woman claimed to have 60 fake children and went to jail for four years before stealing 240,000 dollars for these fake children. Does anyone pay attention? Didn’t they notice the woman with 60 children? If she is on welfare should she really have 60 children and shouldn’t someone check up on her to make sure she isn’t lying, which she probably is?

Some people on welfare will fake an injury. They say they can’t get a job because of it. Some of them sit around collecting money that they don’t deserve because they are simply lazy. Many people do need the money so again, I’m not saying it’s bad; I’m saying some people are fraudulent and try to cheat the system. The people cheating on welfare waste millions of dollars every year. So just maybe, one of the reasons the nations in debt so deep could be partly due to the huge waste of money to people who aren’t supposed to have it and just keep illegally soaking it up.

Then there are the people who get the money from welfare when they are making money under the table. What’s wrong with this picture? Again, it’s illegal, and again, it’s a big waste of money. Yet some people still make their money under the table and collect the welfare check without informing them because they just want a little extra “insurance”.

The families who commit welfare fraud may not realize that they are seriously influencing their children. These actions make their kids think it’s okay to cheat the government which sends them into an even deeper life of crime. Before you know it the kid is involved in drugs, is abusive and even committing welfare fraud themselves, according to some sources.. Why? Because their parents taught them.
Shouldn’t there be a better way to fix these problems? They should make the people on welfare supply proof that they are trying to go to college and give their grades so it shows they want to do better. If not college then a career; they should have to prove that they are applying to different jobs and trying to actually get a job. Maybe the people at welfare could send someone with the person on welfare to the interview or when they apply so that they can see they are really trying to become employed. As far as crime goes, why not make them all submit to random drug tests? Maybe send someone to their house to see if the family is truly healthy and without a life of crime. Some states will now give out rewards for people committing welfare fraud. The people who are supposedly injured could take fitness tests and have doctors look at them to decide if they truly can’t work and need the money. It seems simple yet no one will change it. Do they like spending millions of dollars every year on people who don’t deserve the money? Where do they get the money from? You. They take money from the tax payers and give it to welfare. There goes your money, straight into the hands of someone too lazy to work or maybe someone who wants extra spending money. If it went to people who needed or deserved it, it wouldn’t matter but it doesn’t go to them so it does matter.

It just seems like welfare is a problem with so many people on it who don’t need nor deserve it. People could do something to change it but they don’t. People need to realize that this is a huge waste of money and time and make the whole welfare system differently so that people who need it, get it and people who don’t, simply don’t. The welfare system could definitely be improved beyond its current standing.

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