ending the pain | Teen Ink

ending the pain

October 9, 2011
By Internal-Love PLATINUM, Queens, New York
Internal-Love PLATINUM, Queens, New York
33 articles 3 photos 310 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nothing's black or white, its all just a shade of gray---

TI "Live your Life" ft Rihanna

If you discovered you had only a matter of time to live, what would you do in your last days?
That question is asked so many times, one way or another. What I would want to do is write a book. Not a fiction one, but one full of advice and encouragement and moving words that I would've gave in the lifetime I missed. Guess you could call it a "therapy" book.
What I really want to do is help people
Don't you feel bad when you read a sad story about someone? Doesn't one piece move you now and then (sometimes even to tears)?
For some, everyday is a cloudy day, and they are sad, but don't even show it. Some people live hard lives and need a break from the rain. What better way to help them then to end their pain?
How do you make a sad person happy?
How do you help someone through the tough times?
What if someone's life cant be changed, and you're not sure whether or not to get involved?
Words are powerful. In good ways and bad. Horrible words can hurt and push someone over the edge. Healing words can save them. Words can make someone cry, laugh, or just stop and think.
So if you're not sure whether or not to get involved, just leave a piece of advice. If you're not good with advice, one kind word or 2 can help make someone feel better about themselves.
In certain cases, when it comes to easing the pain, its not up to you to end it. Only that person can do that. For example: self esteem. If someone doesn't believe in themselves, and you tell them they're beautiful and so on and so forth, they may smile...but later may still believe the worst about themselves. Why? Because THEY have to love who they are. That person goes unchanged, and once a person realizes they are beautiful, it wont matter what others say.
And some teens have bad habits. It doesnt make them bad people though. However, some people dont take words very seriously. My hope is to motivate them enough to make the breakthrough and stop it themselves. Sometimes you have the power, but you need other people to help you ignite it. We as people can help other people and end their pain. Add sunshine to their rain. And create a rainbow.
Thats why when I grow up, I want a job that can allow me to help other people and change their lives (for the better). My friend says I should be a therapist. I dont know, but I felt such a strong urge to write, so here I am writing this article. A teacher, a writer, an artist, producer, songwriter, social worker, photographer, journalist......you could be anything and still find a way to help people. You could paint a beautiful scene that will give people a sort of calmness just to look upon it. Make a film that moves millions of people. Write an essay that impresses the people and changes the public opinion. Draw you're opinions, and watch them be heard. Speak out to people personally.
But even now, you can help someone. Because its the little thing that counts. if you give someone advice, or even let them know that you've been thinking about them, it will make a difference. For some people who feel unloved, that warm smile is what keeps them going day after day. You get a warm wonderful feeling after you have ended someone's pain.
Lets end the pain, add sunshine to the rain, and make plenty of rainbows.

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