what to be concerned | Teen Ink

what to be concerned

January 22, 2010
By yczheng BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
yczheng BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Always be yourself!

I think that the GDL requirements are good for teenager in a way that they can be safer and drive without distraction. But the main problem is that what about drinking? I think they should solve the problem with people driving after drinking. If that problem is solved, there might be less people get into the accident. In the other hand, the GDL requirement did help teenager to be safer, it allows less teenager drive together that will making distraction to the person who is driving, so they will be abide in the car. Safety is always the main focus, by solving this problem, it will benefit other problem, and there will be a way for teenager to get to work by working at morning instead of at night, and not allowing using cell phone by making a rule in the car. Lives are more valuable than anything else in the world, only when people are safe, so they can do more things they want. Always be vigilant on the road!

The author's comments:
my teacher force me to do this

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