Don't understand liberals? What you’re seeing is conservative nonsense ~inspired by “Don’t Understand the Protests?” By Kareem Abdul-Jabbar | Teen Ink

Don't understand liberals? What you’re seeing is conservative nonsense ~inspired by “Don’t Understand the Protests?” By Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

May 19, 2021
By Anonymous

What was your first thought when Biden became our new president, and the next person to run our country? 

If you’re liberal, you look at rights like abortion and gay rights and think these are basic things that people will finally be able to have and be able chose for themselves. You also see that Trump was a terrible president and it's good he's out of office. If you’re conservative, you think things like abortion is murder regardless of the situation and being gay is a sin, or that problems in the world today are caused by Biden being “incompetent” or having “dementia.”

What were you thinking about the Black Lives Matter movement and the idea of All Cops Are Bad? If you're liberal, you're thinking the BLM movement is important and that the justice system is broken. If you're conservative, you are thinking the movement has gotten out of hand and those people were shot because they were “threatening law enforcement.” 

The issue is people being disrespectful about their opinion…. People typically being conservatives. Everyone has different opinions and beliefs. Most of the time the two sides cannot even come together to discuss different political views, and if they do it turns into a screaming match, like a baby wailing out for its mother. There are also the conservatives who spin a web of lies to try and scare people, like the government is tracking us through the vaccine or that masks are the government's way of “oppressing and silencing people''. There are also the ones who think that gas prices have gone up because of biden, when in reality it's just supply and demand making prices higher. Or saying people who are trans can’t use the bathroom that goes with whom they identify.

Yes, there are respectful conservatives who although have different views, argue their side and what they believe in a respectful way. But for every respectful conservitve, there are 3 bad ones who will go to any extent to try and prove that their opinion is correct and the only one that matters. Whether they say “you're taking the life of an innocent baby” or “Disobeying god”......even though the bible says we should love everyone for who they are. 

What you should see is people respectfully debating, not because they want to be right or because they want to force what they believe on others, but because they want to show you that they also have a valid opinion and want to fight for their beliefs. What I want to see is not a fight against others, but a fight to help others.

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