This Moment in History Starter Pack | Teen Ink

This Moment in History Starter Pack

March 8, 2021
By maggiemitchell BRONZE, Yukon, Oklahoma
maggiemitchell BRONZE, Yukon, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This Moment in History Starter Pack

This moment in history has been filled with all sorts of commotion. The pandemic, the 2020 election, and masks have been very prominent in the past year. The 2020 election has caused many different problems at this point in time. The pandemic has also caused everyone's life to change, masks being a very big topic. The pandemic, the presidential election, and masks would be included in my “this moment in history” starter pack because they have played large roles in all of our lives.

The most relevant topic for this moment in history would have to be the Coronavirus pandemic. “COVID-19 has rapidly affected our day to day life, businesses, disrupted the world trade and movements” (Haleem). The ongoing pandemic has had effects on everybody around the globe. It has drastically changed the way we do practically everything. Schools have had to make a surplus of adjustments like teaching virtually, splitting students up so they attend school on different days, and changing seating arrangements for class and lunch. People in opposing political parties are even more separated as the virus has turned into a political matter. Along with all of this, many are scared about catching the virus. This has resulted in businesses closing, people losing their jobs, and many are forced to stay in their homes for long periods of time. COVID-19 is the most important thing to put in a “this moment in history” starter pack. 

Another very important topic to include in my starter pack is the 2020 presidential election. In the past year, many Americans have become incredibly divided as a result of which presidential candidate they decide to support. A study conducted at Pew Research Center showed that both Republicans and Democrats believed that if the candidate they didn't support won, it would cause long-lasting harm to the country. “The studies we’ve conducted at Pew Research Center over the past few years illustrate the increasingly stark disagreement between Democrats and Republicans on the economy, racial justice, climate change, law enforcement, international engagement and a long list of other issues” (Dimock and Wike). Recent disagreements between the two political parties have started protests, riots, and more. While the riots that happened caused many people to get angry, the peaceful protests sparked change throughout the country.  The 2020 election would go great in my starter pack.

The last item I would include in my starter pack is a mask. Masks have made their way into our everyday lives as a result of COVID-19. Even though there are countless articles and studies over masks, many people decide to believe they do not work at all. Many people also like to argue that requiring masks in public is unconstitutional. According to, “Surgical masks may block 70 to 90 percent of infectious particles from reaching the wearer, and N95 masks filter out more than 95 percent, Gumel says” (Saey). This article shows that masks can work if we wear them correctly and if we take other precautions seriously. Whether or not masks are effective, masks are now something that everyone has. Masks would fit into my starter pack perfectly. 

COVID-19, the 2020 election, and masks would all be included in my starter pack. The Corona Virus has brought health, economic, and political problems into everybody's lives. Masks being a very large part of this moment in history. The 2020 election has also brought several problems in the United States. This moment in history has been crazy for people all around the globe. 

Works Cited

Dimock, Michael, and Richard Wike. “America Is Exceptional in the Nature of Its Political Divide.” Pew Research Center, Pew Research Center, 13 Nov. 2020,

Haleem, Abid, et al. Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic in Daily Life, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. Published by Elsevier, a Division of RELX 

             India, Pvt. Ltd., 3 Apr. 2020,

Saey, Tina Hesman. “Why Scientists Say Wearing Masks Shouldn't Be Controversial.” Science News, 4 Aug. 2020,

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