Because You're A Woman | Teen Ink

Because You're A Woman

October 23, 2019
By sydneesagal31 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
sydneesagal31 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As women, we should want to vote.  Because we didn’t have the right to vote until after a century of protest.  Because women wanted to be heard then, and still do now. Because we shouldn’t be compared to less than a man’s vote.  Because blood was shed to give us this sacred right.

Because views are valued and owned by us and only us.  Because we should want to celebrate being a woman and having equal rights as men.  Because we shouldn’t have to worry if pepper spray is in our purses—we are ambitious, adaptable, and able.

Because we have the right to speak up and be heard.  Because no one can tell us what to believe in. Because we are a strong and unbreakable unit of woman.  Because we finally have a voice loud enough to be heard.

Because From Susan B. Anthony to Amelia Earhart, to Rosa Parks, we have fought a long war and won. Because we had a woman run for the presidency.  Because we voted for two women to be married.

Because women can fight just as hard as men. Because no young girl should feel belittled.  Because she has a voice that I want to hear, that we should all want to hear.  As women, we should want to vote.

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