I am a Millennial | Teen Ink

I am a Millennial

January 18, 2019
By emmajuilet_ BRONZE, Laconia, New Hampshire
emmajuilet_ BRONZE, Laconia, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“You were never created to live depressed, defeated, guilty, condemned, ashamed or unworthy. You were created to be victorious.”

Hi, my name is Emma Juliet and I am a 13-year-old feminist, activist. You're probably thinking “you’re 13 what do you know about the topics and issues of modern times?” Well I know a lot more than you would think.  

On a daily basis I get harassed and asked to send lude photos of myself to send to boys in my grade and in the grades above mine, and yet when I tell my parents about it, they say “well what are you doing for them to want to see you like that?” And that is just the tip of the ice berg. 

My school dress code tells girls to hide their body and be ashamed of it, because it is a distraction the males in my school. I find this dress code to be sexist, because the boys only have 1 rule “No muscle shirts”. And that is all. As where opposed to girls must be covered from the top of the shoulder to the mid-thigh. 

When adults tell us to stop acting like children they really mean grow up, and we have, and when we start taking about topics such as these around adults, they say things like “your just kids you don’t know what you're taking about” and “enjoy your youth while you still can, don’t grow up too fast.” In all reality we can enjoy our youth because of how corrupt it is.    

From the year 1998 on, approximately 17.7 million women fell victim to rape and sexual harassment. Leading women to believe they need to hide their bodies or else it will happen again. From the ages of 12 – 25 women and girls are sexually assaulted and raped. Women should not feel ashamed of their bodies for fear that something might happen to them. We should not have to live like that. 

Yes, I am a millennial but that does not mean my facts, opinions, and statements are not any less true. 

The author's comments:

My life has become feminism and activisim

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