Thankful Forever | Teen Ink

Thankful Forever

November 13, 2018
By DJG123 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
DJG123 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Whenever I see the American flag and its color, my eyes open up like a little baby looking at his or her mom. It’s a beautiful sight, like seeing a sunset, when the flag waves. It looks like a movie, the ocean, the breeze and the waves just hitting at full effect at the same time.

In my opinion the white on the flag represents freedom and trust me there’s a lot of white in the flag and that means that this country is based on freedom and we should be thankful for that and thank our troops who made that dream possible, I, personally, thank you forever.

I visited the wood national cemetery by Miller park and it was one time experience, you could feel the pride of the families of the fallen ones. To think that the people who fought for us to keep us free reside now, all that came to mind was a big, meaningful and warm hearted, thank you.

Thankful for what this country has become. Thank you for the opportunities the country has given me. Thank you for the all the chances I’ve had to express how I feel or my opinions and my points of view without being criticized of being put in jail.

I’ll be thankful for those people who fought for me, Military Forces, Naval Forces, and Air Forces, everyone who fought for what this country has become, a country of opportunities and the land of the free.


If it wasn’t for the veterans who fought for us, I wouldn’t be getting education and expressing how I feel about freedom of speech.

I’m thankful forever for the veterans who did unimaginable things to defend this country and give us the freedom we have right now.

I’ll be thankful forever and I’ll make sure that the next generations know what these soldiers did for this country, how the soldiers that fought in all these wars shaped the country we’re living in right now in abundance, freedom and liberty, THANK YOU.

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