American Dream | Teen Ink

American Dream

November 13, 2018
By bonehead44 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
bonehead44 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When being told I was moving to the United States of America I had the sense of relief that all the positive stereotypes of America and the American Dream which may be true, freedom, patriotism, hard working, generosity. Because of my American rights, I am able to speak my mind for the better.

A family is separated due to the fight for keeping the country's freedom. The mother of the family is working a job during the day and learning what she can do and then a true mother at night maintaining her child’s life making it entertaining and fun. The father in the field halfway across the world motivated from the fact that he protects his family and the rest of the country from losing their freedom. Risking his life and not returning home haunts him but the thought of his families freedom keeps him going.

Protests against racial brutality, the National Anthem and its controversy, kneeling or non-kneeling blacks and whites coming together and protecting their actions. While the opposite side are the whites fighting against people kneeling during the National Anthem. But when doing this they forget the fact that a white male had knelt before the black man and did and started this controversy. And when the NFL calls against kneeling and suspends the players taking part in this event, this is going against their Freedom of Speech.

A feminist organization walking the streets of Washington protesting for equal pay.  Banners carried high. Same work but different pay. Too many years fighting for that equality. Same work performed but still not recognized. Working harder, less recognition.

America symbolizes freedom and their freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is Americans fighting for his/her freedom along with other to. Freedom of speech is the fight for equality for blacks and whites less and less racial profiling. Freedom of speech is people working together and creating a organization to speak against the government to obtain the rights they want.

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