How Does It Affect You? | Teen Ink

How Does It Affect You?

February 6, 2014
By Anonymous

I have something to say about same sex relationships. I fully support gay and lesbian marriages and I don't see how it could bother someone across the country when they have nothing to do with any of it. My grandparents and great grandparents are the biggest hypocrites I've ever met. They are firm on the Christian religion and they don't believe anything else is right. They're closed minded, self centered bigots. Not to mention my grandfather is sexist and believes that women are meant for having children and working in the kitchen. My fiance also has a friend who is an admitted homophobe, but at least he admits it. My relatives won't even admit it. They think it's a choice. I believe in my own views that you were born that way. I was born bisexual. I have been with a girl before and I don't find it any different than being with a boy. A person is who they are. If a couple gets married in New York, gay or straight, it won't affect someone in Utah or Alabama. Gay marriage shouldn't be called that. It should just be a marriage. It's a union between two people who love each other. As I've seen on Facebook, if you are one sexuality being around someone of a different sexuality isn't going to make you like them. It's not a disease it's who they are. If you can't love your child or friend or sibling the way they are then you're a worse person than you believe they are. Because you are too caught up in how everything affects you rather than worrying about how it's going to affect them. They have to live with bullying and the hatred and the discrimination. People need to stop worrying about how the lifestyle of their loved ones are going to affect themselves and worry about how it's going to affect their loved ones. Everything isn't about you. That is what I want to say to more hypocrites I know than I can count. Protect the person you care about rather than becoming one more person they have to fear.

I'll tell you one last story before I go... My great uncle was bisexual. He had been been with a man before but he fell head over heels in love with a woman. She had a son that he loved but the son didn't like him because of his sexuality. So one day him and her son got into a fight and she left him because of how her son felt. My great uncle went out to his car and killed himself because the one person he loved more than anything, suddenly hated him because of who he was. Over something he couldn't change, something he had no control over. Tell me please, how is that right? How does anyone deserve that kind of hatred? A person who loves unconditionally, who gives more than he ever wants to receive, and then just because he is attracted to something that might not necessarily be considered normal (but what is normal?) he becomes hated, an outcast. So much to the point that he would rather die than be in this world anymore. Can you even imagine how it might feel to be hated by the person(s) you love most? Think about that.

The author's comments:
I was brought up hearing a lot about same sex relationships in my family. I also have a lot of gay friends and I want to give them a voice even when they are too scared to give themselves one.

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