Verbal Harassment | Teen Ink

Verbal Harassment

September 13, 2017
By KarenMedrano BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
KarenMedrano BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Cat calling, or as Isabella Winkler interprets it, "Verbal Harassment" is a common struggle that all teenage girls are obligated to face when being out in public. As a female with non-feminine interests, I tend to be accompanied by people of the opposite sex. Yes, I may find them as acquaintances, but sometimes it is not the same way on the other side of the spectrum. Immature boys make immature comments all the time, it's as simple as that. As Isabella says, "they were just being boys". This statement made me realize how commonly acceptable to society this behavior is. Perhaps guys don't mean much when they say something as crude as "hey, nice legs," but to me it is a constant reminder as to why I can't be respected. Isabella's claim is true, even though I may never see these kids again, "I will remember their words and their actions forever".

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