Feedback on "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story"

February 1, 2017
By AJR21 GOLD, New York City, New York
AJR21 GOLD, New York City, New York
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The review of the movie “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” by Ayinde R. captured the best details of the film and placed them into one piece of writing. Not only was the review successful in praising the film and pointing out its pros, it also explained how the movie differed from past films of the same franchise. Having watched Rogue One before in a movie theater, it was interesting to see someone else’s take on it. Needless to say, the review was very positive about the movie, while also mentioning the few flaws, taking on both sides. I found myself agreeing with lines such as “To say that ‘Rogue One’ is good is an understatement”, while also gaining a new opinion from lines such as “...this film is much more grounded in reality.”

On the other hand, the review had some flaws, as most do. Everyone who reads a review is going to have their own opinion of it, whether they are convinced by it or dislike it. However, for those who read the review and were persuaded to watch the film, spoiling the end of the movie may not have been such a good idea. Ayinde says, “And while it’s no secret that….”(Not going to spoil the movie). I was not expecting the end of the movie at all when I watched it, so I feel calling the plot twist “no secret” doesn't let future viewers of the movie experience the same surprise that others did. While the review gave away a spoiler, it still conveyed the necessary facts such as the cast, and introduced many new ideas about the true roots of the latest installment to the Star Wars franchise.

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