Digital Divide | Teen Ink

Digital Divide

January 30, 2017
By Anonymous

I agree with this Teen Ink article because it said that  older people are taking half of the newer generation’s jobs. Older generations are supposed to be retiring so others can start to work. What I also agree with is that  ;people have the need to bring cell phones everywhere they go because they think it's important to know the latest celebrity news and trying to focus  on the likes on their photos and how many people that are following them. In highschool,  people will walk back in forth while using their phones in the halls not knowing where they're going and having to put their phones away in class because that was the thing that was roaming in their minds the whole time. This generation  is getting lazier and lazier by using robots  and work tools.  The newer generation doesn’t have to do anything except get online jobs and sit in bed and do nothing.

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