White Wine | Teen Ink

White Wine MAG

January 9, 2017
By Hannahburns28 BRONZE, Defiance , Ohio
Hannahburns28 BRONZE, Defiance , Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the article "White Wine," I realized how blessed I really am. The girl in the article talks about how her mother always fought with her father. She also talks about how much her mother drinks. She says, "I have to be the adult," many of times. It makes me sad to think about someone not knowing what it feels like to have a loving mom. After reading this, I realized how lucky I am to have my loving family together. This article makes people understand that no matter what, someone always has it worse. The girl says, "She's.... not herself." It saddens me to think about not having a good relationship with my mom. It made me understand that I should stop taking things for granted, and I should start being more grateful for what I have.

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