"Orlando's Unnamed Victims" by Delaney Davis | Teen Ink

"Orlando's Unnamed Victims" by Delaney Davis

September 26, 2016
By D.Jen BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
D.Jen BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I found Delaney Davis’s article “Orlando’s Unnamed Victims” not only moving, but exactly what we needed to hear. The tragedy in Orlando, Florida that occurred at the beginning of the summer “was the deadliest attack on the LGBTQ community in U.S. history”. The largest mass shooting in American history was a hate crime against LGBTQ citizens. Don’t ever forget that. Davis gives an example of a member of the U.S. Marines posting a photo on Snapchat with his gun pointed toward the camera, captioning it “coming to a gay bar near you”. Why is someone targeted for simply existing in the world the way they were born? How many more people have to die before the U.S. government puts human lives first? The tragedy that took place in Orlando was homophobia. It was a hate crime. Do not pretend that it was anything different. Thank you, Delaney for reminding us that no matter what your standing or your viewpoint is on the LGBTQ community, lives should never be taken away. People should not be living in fear for being who they are. “We cannot let hate win”.

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