Out of Africa | Teen Ink

Out of Africa

September 19, 2016
By Eduardoj BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Eduardoj BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I found Rana Hewezi’s story to be eye-opening, in that we should appreciate the freedoms and opportunities we have here in America. As she writes about what she had to undergo and why she came from Egypt to America she stated that “I knew this would be the most difficult transitions my family and I would ever experience.” This just shows how people leave their home country unwillingly , whether it be for greater opportunities like Rana as she describes “The chance to be whoever I wanted to be” or refugees fleeing warring nations. I can personally connect with what Rana has went through because my parents came here from Mexico so that me and my siblings could go to school here. Thank you Rana for sharing your experience and giving me a different viewpoint of how lucky I am to have the opportunities I have.

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