Drugs Not Okay | Teen Ink

Drugs Not Okay

September 19, 2016
By Chiconian BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Chiconian BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You're okay

Teary-eyed and speechless was my reaction upon reading "Cathy's" memoir entitled "my Mother's Ungiven Testimony." Rooting back to the late 60's, the author's mother was described as an alcoholic and a drug user; however, it was the fault of her parents' abuse that led her down her addictive past. She did not feel the love that should have been rooted into her as a child. Although I cannot relate to the abuse, I can relate to the question she most likely felt: Where's the love? She found a way out of that lifestyle which in the form of moving Georgia where she married and had children and had children of their own, but she failed to break her teenage habits and carved a new image of a junky for a mother into the minds of her children. Sometimes I wonder if my mother will set straight as well...

The author's comments:

My teacher made me write it.

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